Just when you thought you’re safe and updated in the Zomby department because you’ve been listening to One Foot Ahead Of The Other for a few days and realizing the simplicity and inventiveness that is in “Expert Tuition,” out comes Digital Flora –more freshness from out of nowhere, shout out to Mike for the heads up. “Ditital Fauna” is extremely warm, romantic, and intoxicating, and I’m only thinking about its surface groove –the “playful” beat and melodic structure. Is Zomby the most interesting dubstep producer/making the most exciting dubstep in the world right now? Is Boomkat comparing him to that other technoid auteur?
Blog (2008-2018)
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thanks for pointing this one out. I think “Spliff” was the track that got me into Dubstep. I never was very into Drum and Bass or 2step stuff so getting into it was kind of strange. I was looking for more DUB and less STEP or something? a lot of the stuff I was hearing sounded like shit to me,butluckily I heard that track and eventually tried old 2step/garage stuff and like it. Does Untold count? If so hes probably my favorite producer at the moment.
I felt safe as you said with the One Foot Ahead vinyl spinning in front of me, and yes, Expert Tuition works wonders. Digital Fauna is the Muhammad Ali left hook I didn’t see coming, bam!
With that and Cooly G’s ‘Love Dub (Refix)’ I’m feeling kinda intoxicated in a loved-up way.
It could be said that it’s one of the things that ‘dubstep’ needs to progress, as it has and will continue to do regardless of perceptions of ‘staleness’, lack of creativity, handcuffed by mental chains etc.
The latest DJ sets that I witnessed by Kode9, have embraced beats that one would not normally associate with a certain macho tainted box that dubstep has been placed in, and so much the better for it.
Thumbs up Zomby, Cooly G, Kode9, Silkie et al for continuing to explore, express and inspire.
Oh and thanks DA for the pointer como siempre
ok this tune is cool.
but the most exciting for me is Becoming Real, from london… well he’s not a DUBSTEP producer, but check him out!
dave i’m with you on untold… hot shit.
props also to the widdler, eskmo, lv & elemental
in terms of pure beauty, it’s impossible for me to ignore the master splinter of dubstep… shackleton.
Dave, James, I’ve only heard one track from Untold and it may have been great but forgettable… I don’t remember it. I think it’s the one Blackdown wrote about a few months back in his Pitchfork column.
I’m with James and WattsRiot on their Shackleton and Kode9 points. Kode9 and Spaceape live sets are even more vicious! and Shackleton’s collab w/ Mordant Music was surprisingly great and I’m always listening to the Skull Disco comps.
D.WattsRiot, “Love Dub” and “Love Dub Refix” are compelling and sweet and definitely unforgettable tunes!
the untold track I love is Anaconda which I think is really bent. I really like his Ramadanman remix as well http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sbj6iVyIgAI
Shackleton is great too, love most of what I’ve heard. Really into the percussion in it.