Nguzu”OMFG SO NEXT LEVEL”nguzu – Mirage EP PREVIEW by Silverback Recordings
i just arrived in São Paulo.
The Roots Of Chicha 2 JUST LIKE ROOTS OF CHICHA 1 BUT “MORE HONEST+URBAN” (Sampler) by pressjunkiepr
DJ Dinho, a DJ from a local sound system when interviewed, mentioned: “The music is made to promote the artists. The artists don’t use the music to sell millions of copies. It’s to give the artist attention and to get shows”.
iN A POST-PEAK HOOD DANCE WORLD “a close family is nice to have but not if u all starve to deathâ€

bLACK LIGHT ATHLETIC GEAR aesthetics coming soon. #realtalk interview series coming soon. NY Tropical release pushed to Nov 9 for zodialogical reasons
Sorry I haven’t posted in a while but I really wanted this post to be the one where I said I made DA into profit for this month