This was my Bible last summer.

Bienvenidos a the official 2010 New York City Latin Summer Events Guide! Summer invaded this week with a sweaty onslaught of sun and filth. It’s great! The temperature might make you loopy. So loopy, in fact, that you might forget to hit up the best events New York City has to offer this year. Which is why we’re here. Who else can better filter the bueno from the whatever in anything and everything Latino? This year and Latin Media & Entertainment Commission (LMEC) bring you even better festivals, fiestas, and films to catch from June to December. That’s seven months of non-stop awesomeness. Who needs sleep anyway?

You can find it at Que Bajo?! /Shops all over the city or download directly from their site.

Friend of Dutty Artz Moon from Lustre Kings invited us to participate in this party to celebrate the screening of ‘Wah Do Dem’ a new film set in Jamaica that’s been generating a nice buzz.  I’m excited to participate along with a lot of my favorite  people, it’s a family affair.  Brooklyn outdoor summer vibes!

Facebook event here.

Sunday, June 13, 2010
2:00pm – 6:00pm
BAM, Downtown Brooklyn, corner of Fulton and Lafayette

WAH DO DEM movie premier block party!

featuring performances by Jahdan Blakkamoore, Matt Shadetek & Geko Jones(Dutty Artz), DJ Gravy (Rice & Peas), Jah One Soundsystem, Cool Places Sound, Lustre Kings Productions and SPECIAL GUESTS!

This is a BAMcinemaFEST and FABfest event.



So I know ya’ll got up on Whatagatapitusberry via the interwebs but did you do the extra credit assignment and start diggin for more tunes from Del Patio? Don’t worry about it if you didn’t, there’s always more bandwidth over at the fail blog.

Sensato and Saweso are two Bronx-based Dominican MC’s with a great ear for club music. Wayne Marshall has already contributed alot of thought on their first smash and Toy Selectah’s remix has been on a lot of DJ’s playlist in the past 6 months so I don’t need to get into the fact they have more than 4 million youtube views. They’ve been cranking out hilarious videos for their songs at at a breakneck pace and its paying off. Pitbull and Lil Jon jumped on the ‘berry remix and Voltio is on this next joint which is banging in the latin clubs in NYC and the Dominican Republic. I watched a video of some of their live performance in Puerto Rico longside the top dogs in reggeaton and their stage game is the real deal. He’re’s a new 140 bpm jawn that’s bubbling in NYC right now feat Sensato and Voltio.

La Fila India-DNC ft Sensato y Voltio

[audio: Fila India.mp3]

Two things I find interesting from both these guys and Los Rakas are that they let go tons and tons of music online and they both let the accapellas go out alofoke to see what happens in remixlandia. This sort of ‘Just let go’ approach is something alot of artists are scared to do and I think it shows the confidence of both duos. It takes alot of swag to say ‘my verse is dope, sit that on whatever beat you want, I’m still gonna sound fly.’

Hit up and and stay up on their new stuff and more artists from la republica. I’ll be here trying to get both them and Los Rakas on a track together and getting them to play at Que Bajo?! this summer.

TONITE NEW YORK. Fresh from shaking up Austin with the rest of the Dutty Artz crew, esta noche Que Bajo nos presenta:

Uproot Andy (Zizek, Bersa Discos)
Geko Jones (Dutty Artz)
Santos Party House (Basement)
96 Lafayette St.
$10; $5 w/ RSVP

Andy Jones

Here’s a new remix from Uproot Andy and Geko Jones. I’ve heard “Manuelita” a few times already, usually during the early hours of the night, warming and shaking up party people. Here’s what Geko said about “Manuelita” to The FADER’s Ghetto Palms …track is a remix we’ve just made of a traditional style Colombian bullerengue song. Doing these kinds of remixes blending folkloric music with club music is one of the sounds that has come define our party and this kind of remix has itself really become traditional for us over the last year or so.

Gex and Andy are currently on tour, coming thru your city or a city near you. Que Bajo?! sound system pushing forward with Boima tomorrow in San Fran!



Head over to Eddie Stats/The FADER’s Ghetto Palms to check out an extra speical blend of Jahdan Blakkamoore unreleased, exclusives, classics, rarely heard remixes, teasers, champion sound system Funksworthy FM dubplates, etc. mixed by Geko Jones w/ special assistance from Noble Society producer Fuego Campo. Peep the straightforward, honest note from Gex and the track by track description/rundown of the mix.  This is all in anticipation of the album release party tomorrow. You already know BUZZROCK WARRIOR is available, and we’ll have copies at the party too!

Jahdan Blakkamoore BUZZROCK WARRIOR album release party!


The album drops September 15th, and on the 17th Que Bajo?! is throwing a party with special live performance by Jahdan, accompanied by super producer extraordinaire and deejay Matt Shadetek.  Jahdan & Matt are also getting ready for some touring and special performances later this Fall and into the Winter. Dates and details will be here soon. For now, come enjoy the party! On the same night, we are also blessed with the appearance of the great Eddie Stats of The FADER and GHETTO PALMS series. Eddie Stats is sharp, efficient, and just ridiculously good behind the decks. DJ Rekha of Basement Bhangra will also be live with tunes for the all around dance floor massacre. Dutty Artz family/Que Bajo?! resident deejays/two of the wickedest sound men I know Geko Jones and Uproot Andy will be in the building serving their usual, tremendous heat, along with some blazing refixes. facebook RSVP here.




ROWRRR.  We’re back at it again!  Next Friday, Rupture is back in the building and we are getting wild like a pack of sugar gliders with nitro boosters.  Thanks to everyone who came out last time, Klash said it was one of his best shows and we had loads of fun too.

Friday June 26th

RSVP on Facebook

Glasslands Gallery

289 Kent Ave.

10PM – 4AM

$5 b4 11PM, $8 after


DJ /rupture

Geko Jones

Matt Shadetek

Lamin Fofana



Dutty Artz Represents the World Town

Story Julianne Shepherd
Photography Jason Nocito

Encyclopedic, scholarly and wielding deep faith in riddim and vibes—the alchemy of the Brooklyn-based Dutty Artz crew is completely mystical and slightly awe-inspiring. Its main proprietors, the power trio of DJ/producers Jace Clayton aka DJ/Rupture, Matt Schell aka Matt Shadetek, and Roberto Fernandez aka Geko Jones, are dudes preeminently known for soliciting and disseminating the globe’s bangingest dancehall, dubstep, and cumbia beats. They have explored metropolises, townships and favelas to seek out music in its indigenous state and found likeminded friends in Brazil’s Maga Bo, Montreal’s Ghislain Poirier, and Cape Town’s African Dope Records crew, and when they can’t get to the most outward of dance music’s niches themselves, they have a gang of colleagues to carry the load. When a friend recently traveled to Distrito Federal in Mexico City, Jones begged him to bring back whatever wild music he could find. Thus, when you Google “tribal guarachero,” is the only non-Spanish blog that results. They are archaeologists scouring the globe’s nooks and crannies with the curiosity of scientists, not conquistadors. They are so passionate about the beat, and generous with their knowledge of it, you almost don’t know where to begin the discussion.

Click HERE to read the rest of Julianne Shepherd’s intelligent and sincere article from The FADER #61.

Here’s a quick reminder of some Dutty Artz movements around the globe this weekend.
NY TROPICAL is in Brooklyn tonight w/ very special live guest 77Klash and Fader magazine writer and DJ Eddie Stats, tomorrow Geko Jones is ripping San Francisco w/ Chief Boima, Taliesin is in Glasgow tonight wrapping up his European trek, and DJ /rupture is shaking down Berlin w/ The Bug, Kid606, Sick Girls – also check for him tomorrow at Bercelona Primavera Sound. Feast your eyes on some visual delights/peep the fliers:

No kidding!  Thanks to all who came out to New York Tropical 5 to see Uproot Andy, Geko, me and Maluca.  It was a lot of fun.  Maluca killed it, super energy and the people loved it.  Here are some pics from the night.  This month we’ll be back at Glasslands on Friday May 29th doin’ it again, flier and info very soon.

Tomorrow Night THURSDAY April 30th @ APT

We got a call from Disco Shawn from Bersa Discos/Tormenta Tropical and he’ll be throwing down with us at APT tomorrow longside Uproot Andy, myself and N-Ron Hubbard.

APT is located at 419 W 13th St between 9th and Washington. NO COVER


Now about 3 weeks back I got an email from Toy Selectah and he asked me to throw up his MEXMORE LP but I got distracted in getting ready for my vacation.

If you didn’t catch it on some of the other blogs by now then its my fault you haven’t heard this yet, and I take responsibility for not having given you the opportunity to look cooler just by telling your friends about it. Now when you tell them, you can also collect bonus points for telling them how they too can get their pura crema on right here inna NYC June 4th!!


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