My first appearance on U.S. TV and I’m speakin’ Spanish! Welcome to the 21st ct., amigos. Gonna throw a tea party to celebrate, tod@s estan invitad@s. #DemographicWarfare

Contraportada en NY1 Noticias, platicando con el gran José Manuel Simián.


Bajo el seudónimo de DJ /Rupture, Jace Clayton lleva años sonando como uno de los DJs más interesantes de Nueva York, gracias a su mezcla de ritmos, géneros y texturas de todo el mundo. Además de ello, Jace se ha ganado el respeto de melómanos y críticos por su trabajo como bloguero musical y un programa radial que presenta cada semana en la prestigiosa WFMU. DJ Rupture, Jace, conversó con José Manuel Simián en Contraportada.

I’ve just spent 3 weeks in Puerto Rico with a holy shit cast of characters. I haven’t been down to the island in almost five years because of the general apathy that’s become commonplace en mi islita, but the timing was right and I think Puerto Rico may finally be ready for change.

Within days of my arrival I found myself in the midst of some of the top dawgs of the reggaeton and electronic music scenes and I wanna take a few to hip ya’ll to whats gwarnin out there. Its way too much for one post so I’ve broken it up into three that will air this week.

First off, shouts out to Toy Selectah who was also in town to work on some tracks for Calle 13 and Argentine reggae artist Fidel Nadal. At Toy’s invitation, I found myself at Visitante’s home recording studio where C13 have been working on their new album.  Hand’s down, what the boys have built is the most beautifully decorated and acoustically engineered studio I’ve ever stepped foot in. Cherry oak walls engraved with logos from their various releases, persian rugs, top notch gear, blah blah blah. I got to hear what Toy was contributing and what is coming down the pipe is explosive. Visitante their producer, Ismael their drummer and Mark, the dread in the video who doubles his duty as guitarist in the video and the carpenter who’s been building the studio, are all hella cool peoples and you should definitely peep this new single Calma Pueblo which has been riling up the religious censors.

Yo soy el que quiere que coman, aunque no tengan hambre – Residente-Calle 13


I’m the one that wants you all to eat, even if you’re not hungry

I feel like with that line alone Rene’, better known as Residente, summarizes one of the most disenfranchising aspects about life on the island and the reason that his band is so popular. It’s what my friend Yari calls The 100×35 Mentality. There is a serious apathy plaguing the island when it comes to embracing change. New is completely disregarded until its cool and there are very few artists (or members of the general populace) that break norms there. C13 has consistently pushed the envelope. As do we..

Toy Selectah and I played together to a capacity crowd of 550 party people, on a monday night. The resident DJ has been building the night for 4 years and leans toward hip-hop and dancehall. I played about 45 minutes of dancehall cumbia mashups, crunk cumbia refixes, panamanian plena and hip hop in spanish. I’m happy to announce that it was received fairly well received by most of the audience, the bartenders and even by the resident DJ (*you’ll never kill a top 40 hip hop crowd with all new underground sounds, but do dare yourself to try).

The part of the audience that comes to dance liked it more than the guys that were there to drink and pose off but I’d definitely say it was the first time for almost anyone in the room to hear this stuff and something went right because I had alot of hits on FB the following day as a result.

At the end of the night, we had an honest conversation with the DJ about having built something that could change island. He could be the one to introduce a world of new latin sounds to the island, to which he replied… that’s really not my thing. And therein lies the problem on the island. They need more leaders like c13 to set trends and propel them forward. The people are getting tired of la misma mierda. The strike at the University of Puerto Rico en April was a perfect example that the people want things to be done differently. They are willing to stand up for change.  What they need is a movement, and in my next post I’ll tell you more about how I’m getting that ball rolling.

This was my Bible last summer.

Bienvenidos a the official 2010 New York City Latin Summer Events Guide! Summer invaded this week with a sweaty onslaught of sun and filth. It’s great! The temperature might make you loopy. So loopy, in fact, that you might forget to hit up the best events New York City has to offer this year. Which is why we’re here. Who else can better filter the bueno from the whatever in anything and everything Latino? This year and Latin Media & Entertainment Commission (LMEC) bring you even better festivals, fiestas, and films to catch from June to December. That’s seven months of non-stop awesomeness. Who needs sleep anyway?

You can find it at Que Bajo?! /Shops all over the city or download directly from their site.

Dutty Artz is very pleased to announce the debut official release from Dominican underground superstar Rita Indiana.  For those unfamiliar with Rita’s vibe download her La Hora De Volver here, courtesy of Remezcla.  Perez Hilton is a fan saying:  “Super caliente!  We are obsessed with it – and HER!!!!!!!”

Her Dutty Artz single features two songs.  One, called ‘No Ta Llevando El Diablo’ (translated as ‘The Devil is Taking Us Away’) is Rita backed by her band Los Misterios.  It’s an angry blast of punk mambo with Rita singing about grannies smoking crack over distorted guitars, guira and 808 boom added by Shadetek and Rupture.  The second track ‘Los Poderes’ is Rita solo over Shadetek and Rupture’s rework of a Bannana Clipz riddim (Bannana Clipz is Dutty Artz own Chief Boima and Bersa Discos Oro 11).  Over a mix of digital and live hand-drumming contributed by Ivory Nunez playing an interpretation of Dominican Palo over Bannana Clipz 4×4 beat Rita sings a haunting tropical voodoo ballad.

The release will be available July 6th in all fine digital retailers including iTunes, Juno, Amazon and Boomkat.  In the meantime, soak your eyes in these:

La Hora De Volver (official video):


El Blu del Ping Pong (scroll to 4:20):





FRIDAY MAY 21, 2010
171 east bway

Here’s DJ N-RON’s  M-C-M1 Mixtape to get you hype for the free party. Head over to Spannered, where it was originally posted for download link, tracklist, + info.


& from Reaganomics SoundCloud page:

E boi by dj reaganomics

20 meninas remix by dj reaganomics

fuego puro by dj reaganomics

Fucking big chune.  Dutty Artz familia Uproot Andy kills it again on the remix foot.  If you don’t know the original already you will hear it out of a car near you soon.  Super 2x double marinated remix wherein Los Rakas re-vocaled Hold Yuh Riddim by Brooklyn’s Ricky Blaze (vocaled by Gyptian under the same name) then Uproot Andy took the remix acapella and re-did the beat in his inimitable NY Tropical style.  New Yorkers if you are anywhere around us this summer you are gonna hear this again and again.  And again.  Also check the vocals over the original riddim here.


Los Rakas feat. Faviola : Abrazame (Uproot Andy Hold Yuh Remix)



So I know ya’ll got up on Whatagatapitusberry via the interwebs but did you do the extra credit assignment and start diggin for more tunes from Del Patio? Don’t worry about it if you didn’t, there’s always more bandwidth over at the fail blog.

Sensato and Saweso are two Bronx-based Dominican MC’s with a great ear for club music. Wayne Marshall has already contributed alot of thought on their first smash and Toy Selectah’s remix has been on a lot of DJ’s playlist in the past 6 months so I don’t need to get into the fact they have more than 4 million youtube views. They’ve been cranking out hilarious videos for their songs at at a breakneck pace and its paying off. Pitbull and Lil Jon jumped on the ‘berry remix and Voltio is on this next joint which is banging in the latin clubs in NYC and the Dominican Republic. I watched a video of some of their live performance in Puerto Rico longside the top dogs in reggeaton and their stage game is the real deal. He’re’s a new 140 bpm jawn that’s bubbling in NYC right now feat Sensato and Voltio.

La Fila India-DNC ft Sensato y Voltio

[audio: Fila India.mp3]

Two things I find interesting from both these guys and Los Rakas are that they let go tons and tons of music online and they both let the accapellas go out alofoke to see what happens in remixlandia. This sort of ‘Just let go’ approach is something alot of artists are scared to do and I think it shows the confidence of both duos. It takes alot of swag to say ‘my verse is dope, sit that on whatever beat you want, I’m still gonna sound fly.’

Hit up and and stay up on their new stuff and more artists from la republica. I’ll be here trying to get both them and Los Rakas on a track together and getting them to play at Que Bajo?! this summer.

Ghostleg, our VJ friend in Australia re-ups the visual remix of some United Fruit Company propaganda he started on for New York Tropical, this time  with Uproot Andy‘s Vale La Pena remix.
