STRAIGHT UP FUCK THE 2012 NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT. This is the sort of shit that matters deeply even if you don’t read Prison Planet or listen to Coast 2 Coast. This is the shit that should unite tea partiers, I live in a silo with ten years of water people, the dude that serves you zips AND YOU. The bill passed late last night in a 93-7 vote, declares the entire USA to be a ”battleground” upon which U.S. military forces can operate with impunity, overriding Posse Comitatus and granting the military the unchecked power to arrest, detain, interrogate and even assassinate U.S. citizens with impunity.

If you were surprised by how militarized our police were during the last few months of #OWS don’t worry. If this bill goes into law we will just have the military straight up dealing with protests and other “terrorist” acts. Lets hope Obama vetoes this shit.

Fellow native new yorker (Bronx stand up!) and expert cutter-through-of-smoke-mirrors Noam Chomsky gave this talk in April 2011 while the currently flourishing #occupy movements were just a gnawing sense of horrific injustice in the occupiers bellies.

In it he breaks down such popular topics as:

1) Why economic power = political power

2) How financial regulations were systematically demolished in this country to benefit the 1% ending a ‘golden era’ of egalitarian prosperity

3) How Obama was bought by Wall Street and how he repaid them

He forgot his notes at the hotel and so it’s light on statistics and heaaaavy on truthy goodness.  Need to explain to your friends why the Occupy Wall St movement matters at your next cocktail party?  Start here.



Big shout out to PDX Justice for filming and posting this on Vimeo, along with The Collins Distinguished Speaker Series and the Department of English of the University of Oregon at Eugene for holding the event.  If I get a free hour I’d like to rip the audio for this and encode it as a podcast.  If anyone else is motivated to do it first we’ll happily host and promote it here.  The fact that this thing is so relevant to the current conversation and only had 636 views when I found it is terrible.


In celebration of that and the amazing couple weeks that I’ve just had playing Central Park Summer Stage with Dutty Artz sistren Rita Indiana and Colombia’s Choquibtown, Lincoln Center’s Midsummer Night’s Swing with Lisandro Mesa and Que Bajo?! with Bogota’s El Freaky Crew I’m feeling like sharing is caring.


Las Cuatro Palomas Remix by Geko Jones & DJ Reaganomics


NPR premiered this track a few days ago but here it is for download to the world. Built with my long time homie DJ Reaganomics this is a summer banger you can finish out the year with. I should note that I have been looking for a track ID on the vocalist so anyone that can give me a hard confirmation on any of the leads I have its appreciated.


Crafted in the depths of his basement studio in Highland Park, LA, Tek Support‘s Attack. Recharge. Attack., recently dropped onto the buyable interwebs. Expect robotic apocalypse, wailing sirens, and chiptune-esque geek-outs in the best sort of way.

After this release, Tek Support unleashed a string of covers and remixes ranging from 80’s metal Dio to K-Pop’s 2NE1. Grab dem gratis.

Tek Support-Mk V


Tek Support-Space Oddity (Bowie Cover)



I’ve listened to some of Filastine’s upcoming album and it’s his best work yet! Grey is one of those people who believe that “log” is a better word for online journal than “blog.” Here is his log.

You can catch him live in Brooklyn at the Cove, tonight Feb 17th. Boosted shopping cart, wub-bass, rhythmic archival footage of riots & money, Accolades From The People of France, grit, etc.


where: The Cove, 106 N 6th St, Brooklyn, NY
when: Thursday Feb 17, Filastine live set @ 1am
how much: $5

if Zuckerberg and the FBI don’t know you’re going, who will?

& back @ SONAR 2009

NOTE: Lamin Fofana will be joining L.A.’s notoriously good live act Very Be Careful and I at Coco66 in Brooklyn this Saturday. So come get yr Afro- Latino- post-identitarian noir noir crunk dosage, we goin’ in deep. Like Garvey, except instead of black nationalism it’s accordions. Or 808 kicks. Probably both.


Soundboy Murderation Part 3

Dutty Artz’s first two articles on termination guidelines can be found on this Dutty Artz blog site, which you can link to here:

In a previous Dutty Artz series of articles we discussed things to consider when you are considering DJ termination. We presented ideas on what Dutty Artz consultants recommend to Dutty Artz clients on this matter. In this new series we are covering guidelines to bear in mind once you have actually decided to terminate the DJ under consideration. These are guidelines that Dutty Artz consultants go over with their Dutty Artz clients, especially clients new to the Dutty Artz program.

As previously noted, all of this information can be found in Dutty Artz Group’s copyrighted Job Description and Office Policy Manual that all new Dutty Artz clients receive as part of their Dutty Artz program. The Dutty Artz Group’s 400 plus page manual can be easily edited for any office and is something all Dutty Artz consultants ensure is implemented with Dutty Artz clients. In today’s litigious world, having proper policies in place, and following them, is vitally important.

Here are several more guidelines to keep in mind when discharging a DJ:

o When the DJ Begs: If an DJ begs for a second chance, you have got to be tough. Be willing to explain things but don’t give the slightest indication that you are flexible in your decision.

o Arguing the Reasons: Don’t argue with the DJ. Indicate that you have the specific documentation supporting the decision. On the other hand, if the DJ’s argument convinces you that something has been overlooked, indicate you will check it out as quickly as possible and do so.

We will present more guidelines for termination in upcoming Dutty Artz blogs.

Normally I delete all the boring press releases I get in my email but this one caught my eye and I thought the readership here might enjoy it.  Nice to see that the indigenous people in this country still have a sense of humor after centuries of genocide, mis-appropriation of tribal funds and general attempts to erase their nations, culture and selves.

For immediate release: Contact: Kerry Birnbach: 212-825-0028, ext. 212

April 1, 2010

Iroquois Leaders Assail Government Benefits for Illegal Immigrants;

Say Aid Should Be Denied to Anyone Entering U.S. in Last 25,000 Years

Tribal Leaders Blast “Broken Borders” that Allowed in Dobbs, Levy, Buchanan

Leaders of the five Native American nations that comprise the Iroquois League – comprised of the Mohawk , Oneida , Onondaga , Cayuga , and Seneca peoples – issued a joint statement today declaring anyone who entered the country without their permission after members of the League arrived (here between 25,000 and 60,000 years ago) to be an illegal alien who should be denied all government benefits as a first steps towards deportation. Under the proposed rules, approximately 98 percent of the current U.S. population could be considered illegal immigrants.

Said the statement, “Since we granted no permission for outsiders to enter the country after 23,000 B.C., anyone who did so is an illegal alien and should no longer be able to receive government welfare payments in the form of corporate agriculture subsidies, tax credits for stadium-building, mortgage interest deductions for vacation homes, or food stamp benefits. In the meantime, if they cannot speak any of the Iroquoian langauges, such as Mohawk, they should leave. People should simply accept that America always was, and always will be, an Indian Nation, and must wake up and realize the existential threat posed to our very existence by the broken borders that allowed in Lou Dobbs, Steve Levy, and Pat Buchanan. The only thing sadder to us than watching trash litter the landscape is watching people were immigrants themselves slamming other immigrants.”

Human beings originated in Olduvai Gorge (in present day Tanzania) about 2.5 million years ago. Kikuya tribal leaders from that area responded to the Iroquois in a statement today that said: “We believe that the Iroquois are illegal emigrants. Since they left our land 2.5 million years ago without our permission, they really have no right to be in North America either.”

In a related development, 10,000 angry Tea Partying Medicare recipients protested against themselves today, demanding that “government health care keep its grubby hands off our government health care.” Said one protestor, “I simply hate myself for benefiting from a program that proves that everything I stand for is flat-out wrong.”


Grime fans appreciate good drama, but things have been incredibly dull lately. Watching the f@*kery between Jammer and Lethal B the last few weeks has been somewhat painful and entertaining at the same time. Their dispute, reignited recently, apparently goes back to around the time when Bizzle’s “Pow” came out. They’ve have been going back and forth, trading insults, making threats, doing a bunch of unsurprising ish MCs do these days via Grime Daily/youtube. Take a look at Jammer here, drunk and shirtless telling everybody to suck their mum –

[youtube width=”525″ height=”455″][/youtube]
