Blog (2008-2018)
Grey Filastine‘s ecologically-minded Indonesia-based Kickstarter project is pretty awesome. Filastine, Nova, and friends are looking to cover post-production costs for their two music videos filmed in sites of massive ecological friction in Indonesia.
I’ve seen a lot of the footage and heard the music and it’s impressive. For example: “Gendjer combines a lost style of clandestine Indonesian soul music with traditional shadow-theater as a ritual of counter-hegemonic brainwashing. Get it? You will when you see the video.”
Swimming Cities
A couple years ago our friend Filastine was in town and I remember not being able to join him on some crazy boat ride on a trash barge that had been re-purposed as an art installation. There was talk of some armada of these vessels. Like minded people are bringing you a really fun event tomorrow.
Last weekend the naval gangs of New York assembled to Battle for Mau Mau Island (See photos here). Come see the fallen soldiers, harvested booty, and glorious victors at a new two-story space in Bed-Stuy.Mau Mau gangs, gladiator raft jousting, cocktail catacombs, clothing optional watergun fight, underground casino & film screenings of eerily beautiful movies set on the water, slide show and videos of the battle, and an awards presentation for the victors. Wet & wild all night long.
Saturday, July 30, 9:30- late80 Vernon Ave, between Marcy & Tompkins
(G train to Myrtle/Willoughby 1 block away; or J,M,Z to Myrtle)
Ice cold beer and watermelon vodka open bar 9:30-10:30
$5 for gangs in matching costumes, Mau Mau vets, or before 11pm, $10 otherwise; 21+
All proceeds go directly to the Swimming Cities India project. www.weareswimmingcities.org
I’ve listened to some of Filastine’s upcoming album and it’s his best work yet! Grey is one of those people who believe that “log” is a better word for online journal than “blog.” Here is his log.
You can catch him live in Brooklyn at the Cove, tonight Feb 17th. Boosted shopping cart, wub-bass, rhythmic archival footage of riots & money, Accolades From The People of France, grit, etc.
where: The Cove, 106 N 6th St, Brooklyn, NY
when: Thursday Feb 17, Filastine live set @ 1am
how much: $5
if Zuckerberg and the FBI don’t know you’re going, who will?
& back @ SONAR 2009
Filastine’s blog is great – check this post on Siberia – and he’s always got interesting things to say. Below, a piece broadcast on Catalunyan TV recently:
[Filastine, photo: Wayne&Wax]
In support of his 2009 album, Dirty Bomb (amazon|itunes), Filastine circled the earth twice in a 100-stop tour that began at a squat in Jakarta, Indonesia, tore up Europe’s most respected festivals (Sonar, Transmediale, etc.), and ended in a cloud of tear-gas outside the Climate Summit in Copenhagen. For real. Brother is hardcore.
In a swirl of emotion and sheer exhaustion following the Copenhagen clash, Filastine lost his laptop & made this DJ mix on borrowed equipment while recovering in his Barcelona home base. We’re pleased to debut this mix, especially as it contains a heap of unreleased material from upcoming EP ‘Extra Dirty Bomb’.
Filastine doesn’t do DJ mixes very often – preferring to perform live with various bits of electronics, percussion (including shopping kart), and vocalist Nova (your favorite Indonesian rapper). That said, this is my fav Filastine mix to date. Nimble percussion, dark brass, bleeps, intense vocals, non-dull dubstep, grit. Also: French people like him.
A disfrutar!
(This is part of our DUTTY ARTZ podcast series. You can subscribe via regular ‘podcatchers’ or iTunes .)
track listing:
Infernal Noise Brigade- live in Mexico at street protest
Jazzsteppa- ??
Filastine/Cardopusher – Discontinuities (Singularities remixed- from the EP Extra Dirty Bomb)
Fnaire- Lalla Mennana
Filastine/Jahcoozi- Opium Den (Desordenador remixed- from the EP Extra Dirty Bomb)
Beats Antique- Oriental Uno (feat. Fanafara Kalashikov)
Oro 11- El Cangrejo
Arena & Etian acapella- Voces RebeldesXXXXX
Filastine/Ill Gates- Pharma Sutra (Fitnah remixed- from the EP Extra Dirty Bomb)
Filastine/Maga Bo- Batalha Cotidiana (B’talla remixed- from the EP Extra Dirty Bomb)
Chancha Via Circuito- Calzada
Foxdye- Foxdyechek Collision
Frikstailers- Sudaka Invasor
Tego Calderon- Diento de Oro cameo
Sonik Omi- Ye Jawani Hai Mera Jaan
Simbad- Airport Beat 1008
Jahdan Blakkamoore- Dem A Idiot (instrumental – prod. by Matt Shadetek & Modeselektor)
Amir Sulaiman- Danger
Sunship feat. Warrior Queen/ Sinden(remix)- Quits
Filastine/Deep Throat X- Con Las Manos En La Masa (remix, from the EP Extra Dirty Bomb)
Madera Limpia- La Lenta (Schlachthofbronx remix)
Bassnectar- Cozza Frenzy
Venetian Snares- Sabbath Dubs
Kray Twinz feat. Twista- What We Do
Suckafish P. Jones- Caribbean Nightmare Agent
Dubchild- Can’t Keep Me Down
Caving- Slimthug
Dog Murras (feat. Propria Lixa)- Vai Levar Galheta
Brasil 96- Batucada
Lightning Bolt- On Fire
Rhythm Collision featuring- Indian Street Music #3 / Sein Sah Thin / Tabuh Winangun Marga / Venetian Snares / Filastine / Drumcorps
Filastine- Como Fugitivos (instrumental version)
with words lifted from:
UK newscasters
Carl Sagan dubbed into castilian spanish
ANC Radio Freedom Broadcast, South Africa, 1969
a US Military Commander
Waking Life
The Century of Self
Spectres of the Spectrum
Slavoj Zizek
and more sources of lost origin
This is from Dirty Bomb
Filastine sez – attention Pitchfork public: push that messy hair out of your eyes, put on some looser pants so you can sit down, and watch this here video- if you aren’t epileptic already it’s guaranteed to bring it on.
PS – Filastine is coming to America!
Filastine is currently wrapping up an Australian tour w/ Maga Bo and gearing up for a series of European dates. His new album, Dirty Bomb comes out next month on Soot (US/UK), Uber Lingua (Australia), Post World Industries (digital), Jarring Effects (France), and ROMZ (Japan). Hot, sizzling beats to tear down systems of authority, break regulated, logical frameworks, overthrow the world, create/imagine something else. Yes, it’s a very inspiring and raw record you need to get your ears around. Filastine is one of the few producers who can actually build coherence by cutting up and juxtaposing voices and noise, creating spark and astonishment thru sound collage. In addition to being an incredible artist, he’s a great blogger, here, detailing his routes, travels, and telling the stories behind the songs on his new album. Check out this excerpt from a recent post about the creation of the track “Hungry Ghosts”:
I developed this track over a few weeks in Kyoto, staying in the house of Shimizu (guitarist of post-rock band Soft). It’s the kind of old kyoto house made mostly of paper and thin wood, where someone of my height must duck at all times.
On my way to Tokyo to record ECD and fly to the United States, I detoured via a series of trains and small buses to arrive in a mountain village. From there I walked up a path through the forest for a few hours to arrive at the hot springs frequented by a pack of wild monkeys.
There i stripped naked to sit in a hot pool, with curious monkeys gazing on. Later I went to stare at them in their preferred pools. After a few hours of this I hiked down to the small bus, then small trains, then a shinkansen bullet train that took me into central tokyo, changing to a few metro lines and arriving in Shinjuku financial district, the odd location of Irregular Rhythm Asylum, Japan’s anarchist/activist infohub.
Filastine – Hungry Chosts (Feat. Wire MC & ECD)