Jahdan Blakkamoore BUZZROCK WARRIOR album release party!


The album drops September 15th, and on the 17th Que Bajo?! is throwing a party with special live performance by Jahdan, accompanied by super producer extraordinaire and deejay Matt Shadetek.  Jahdan & Matt are also getting ready for some touring and special performances later this Fall and into the Winter. Dates and details will be here soon. For now, come enjoy the party! On the same night, we are also blessed with the appearance of the great Eddie Stats of The FADER and GHETTO PALMS series. Eddie Stats is sharp, efficient, and just ridiculously good behind the decks. DJ Rekha of Basement Bhangra will also be live with tunes for the all around dance floor massacre. Dutty Artz family/Que Bajo?! resident deejays/two of the wickedest sound men I know Geko Jones and Uproot Andy will be in the building serving their usual, tremendous heat, along with some blazing refixes. facebook RSVP here.





289 Kent Ave (between. South 1st street & South 2nd street.)
Williamsburg, Brooklyn
L train to Bedford
11pm – 4am

NY Tropical 8 was a spectacular event. Special thanks to Zuzuka Poderosa and all those crazy dancers. Rupture, Shadetek, Geko blessed the crowd with some incredible sets— so solid, I wished I had recorded all their sets! This time, we are joined by some more incredible deejays and guests, from Rio to Oakland.  MAGA BO, live all the way from his base Rio de Janeiro, will be in the building serving up Transnational Bass and all sort of international heat.  DJ RIPLEY— “lifesaving whirlwind mistress of sonic devastation with hot sauce”– just back from that small, vibrant, and powerful island nation that is responsible for some much of the music we listen and dance to, is going to throw an early set which is guaranteed to to be fantastic— BE ON TIME, PEOPLE. We also have a special live appearance by RHIANNON (songstress from the Subatomic Soundsystem.) Matt Shadetek and I are holding things down for the fam.

first thing – Que Bajo?! Dance Party tonite! from 11PM -   4AM

@ Santos Party House  (96 Lafayette Street – 3 blocks south of Canal Street)

Special guest Polito Jr. (La Mega 97.9 afterparty)

along side Que Bajo?! DJs Geko Jones & Uproot Andy

It ain’t too late to RSVP/facebook


Friday night – DUTTY ARTZ in Boston!

DJ /rupture & Matt Shadetek shake down the Institute of Contemporary Art (100 Northern Ave) w/ Jahdan Blakkamoore making special appearance – “A spectacular evening of innovative, African-influenced music.” Also performing, a “post afrobeat”dance band NOMO. Facebook/info.

i saw a hummingbird floating with its super-fast wings in the flowers outside of Matt Shadetek’s apartment building last October. Zuzuka Poderosa is from Brazil, and she is powerful.

nyt8 zzka


DJ TOTAL FREEDOM & NGUZUNGUZU host a weekly party in LA called Wildness. It transforms Tuesday nights into fun dancing mayhem. I played a few months back and suddenly I heard 808 kicks that weren’t in the track. I look up – Total Freedom is banging a drum machine… and

1. it wasn’t annoying!! i can’t imagine ANY other scenario where someone uninvited starts drumming on top of my DJing, but somehow this was alright & even kinda cool.


2. it’s hard to create a space of freedom, even in the club world, so it was great to drop in on their scene.

But we don’t have a car OR live in LA. So it’s good that TF & NG are in New York City for Kingdom‘s birthday party this Friday @ Glasslands, also with Maluca. Exciting! Listen to my radio show tonite for tix giveaways! While we wait, here’s a mix they did for the occasion:


Total Freedom & Nguzunguzu – Wildness: Club Vortex mixtape

tracklist = ???? = live mixing on vinyl + parts on ableton + parts on CDJs + live sound effects, vocals, instruments over the whole thing = something like what to expect on Friday?!


CLUB VORTEX ft. MALUCA (mad decent) LIVE!
DJs KINGDOM (fools gold)
TOTAL FREEDOM (wildness / mustache, l.a.)
NGUZUNGUZU (wildness, l.a.)



Jackie Mittoo – Ayatollah


The Willows – Moses Version


Barington Levy – Rock and Come In Scientist Extended Mix

If you like these shattered songs, do come in early tomorrow! I’ve got loads more (rare vinyls in digital format), and I plan to to play a dub-heavy set tomorrow night, 10PM – 11:30-ish.  I might drop in two or three recent favorites/freshness, but I’d like to keep it 97% dusty and mystical! Also, I don’t feel the pressure/anxiousness I felt last/first time I deejayed (although NY Tropical 6 was quite massive!) The nervousness is dissolving, and quickly being replaced by excitement and optimism.  If I lapse into a state of irreverence or just absolute enjoyment… I’m only letting the music take over.  Reality is hard right now, goal is to get lifted and transported. Enjoyment!



ROWRRR.  We’re back at it again!  Next Friday, Rupture is back in the building and we are getting wild like a pack of sugar gliders with nitro boosters.  Thanks to everyone who came out last time, Klash said it was one of his best shows and we had loads of fun too.

Friday June 26th

RSVP on Facebook

Glasslands Gallery

289 Kent Ave.

10PM – 4AM

$5 b4 11PM, $8 after


DJ /rupture

Geko Jones

Matt Shadetek

Lamin Fofana

Dutty Artz extended family 77Klash looking dapper in his white suit at the last New York Tropical performing some of his new joints, myself offscreen on the ones and twos.  BK let’s get ittttttt.


Here’s a quick reminder of some Dutty Artz movements around the globe this weekend.
NY TROPICAL is in Brooklyn tonight w/ very special live guest 77Klash and Fader magazine writer and DJ Eddie Stats, tomorrow Geko Jones is ripping San Francisco w/ Chief Boima, Taliesin is in Glasgow tonight wrapping up his European trek, and DJ /rupture is shaking down Berlin w/ The Bug, Kid606, Sick Girls – also check for him tomorrow at Bercelona Primavera Sound. Feast your eyes on some visual delights/peep the fliers:

dutty artz ny tropical

New York Tropical is exactly a week from today! Check the flyer – we are designers, you already know. To get ready, I have put a podcast together containing mostly women voices over beats and sounds composed by men. I wasn’t specifically looking for female voices on male constructed instrumentals, it just happened most of the tracks I gather are refixes and songs with women voices recorded by gentlemen producers (I was tempted to call this Women… In The Vicinity Of Men. Thankfully, I settled on Mousso.  We need some more gyals in here… too many man, too many, many man!


I was going to post the tracklist a little later but we all know how Björk feels about writers not giving credits, so here it is –

Umalali – Uruwei (The King)
Clouds featuring Tiiu – Protecting Hands Part 2
Oumou Sangaré – Dugu Kamelemba
Björk – Nattura (Switch Refix)
Geiom featuring Marita – Reminissin’ (Shackleton Refix)
Amadou & Mariam – Sabali
Taken By Trees – The Sweetness of Air France
Dirty Projectors – Stillness Is The Move
Various Production – Deadman (Milanese Remix)
Filastine featuring Jessika Skeletalia Kenney – Fitnah
Love Joys – Stranger
Tanya Stephens – It’s A Pity
TOTAL FREEDOM and NGUZUNGUZU – Total Ciara (Like You Refix)
Matt Shadetek – (Tanya Stephens) Can’t Breathe Remix
Nicki Minaj – Beam Me Up Scotty
Uproot Andy – El Botellón Remix

No kidding!  Thanks to all who came out to New York Tropical 5 to see Uproot Andy, Geko, me and Maluca.  It was a lot of fun.  Maluca killed it, super energy and the people loved it.  Here are some pics from the night.  This month we’ll be back at Glasslands on Friday May 29th doin’ it again, flier and info very soon.

Glad to finally get to sit down and write this post. Since I got back from my trip, it feels like we’ve been busier than ever. Sometimes a couple gigs a night, sometimes going off till 7am. Dutty Artz crew is in full force right now.  And that force is global.

Altitude 2,640 M

04º 38′ N, 74º 05′ W

Major Exports: Flowers, Petroleum, dope music.

This is it. The cradle of afro-latin music.  I check in to the hotel around 12:30am on a friday night/saturday morning but I learn that the bar scene in Bogota has been much regulated in the past couple years and the clubs now close around 2am. We decide to stay in for the night. Its raining and after the night I had on thursday at Que Bajo?!  I could use the sleep. Lots planned for the rest of the week.

On Saturday morning, we drive just a couple blocks and the first thing I notice is the graffiti. Bogota is covered in  colors.  You find the intricately woven name tags but also styles that infuse indigenous art and that’s what really stands out.

Somos Indio


We visit la Plaza Bolivar, get our bandeja paisa on and drive around the city a bit before getting dropped off at La Familia Ayara, my musical liaisons for the trip.

I meet Diana, an up and coming PR agent under an overpass and walk over to the LFA headquarters. She introduces me to Choco and Lil Chris. These kids are organized! Their office is my dream work space. They started off as Colombia’s first hip-hop clothing line but they’ve flourished over the past 11 years into a much larger non-profit enterprise working closely with UNICEF to use hip-hop as a platform for teaching workshops to di disadvantaged youts dem in afro-colombian villages throughout the country. I am standing in epicenter of Colombia’s urban music scene.


Midras Queen Holding down the shop

We enter the storefront where you can buy top quality mixtapes, original albums by local hip-hop, reggae and fusion acts plus hoodies, shirts, jeans, magazines, and of course, spray paint. It’s after hours and the store is closed but they show us around the space. Past the register there is a partitioned off computer bank with four work stations. This is where the forums for workshops are created.

The Hive Mind at work

Upstairs, another computer bank is where the administrative literature and emailing for funding goes down and the general business is managed.

the frontlines

There is another office for the Program Director who I meet only briefly as he is meeting about a trip to the Pacific coast this week to do some workshops and volunteer work . I’m impressed but this is still only half of the center. Next door to the store/HQ, the rec center where they host workshops for kids and are training an army of hip-hop soldiers to fight the revolution.

the forum hall

Familia Ayara luuuh da keedz! Monday through Friday they operate an after school program teaching kids break dancing, graffiti and forums on community issues ranging from teen pregnancy, drug abuse, and issues concerning race.  I notice a collection of tasteful murals on huge murals stacked along the wall. Kazar explains were part of a city-wide gallery display highlighting their work in business throughout Bogota. These murals will be at a gallery in Toronto in May/June and could not be photographed.


Up one spiral staircase you find, Ayara Studios, where Choq Quib Town, Midras Queen and several other local acts have come to lay down the future of Colombia’s musical exports. Having recorded the whole of Buzzrock Warrior in a far less elaborate workspace I am happy to see the family is opening doors for like-minded artists that are trying to release music of substance. As a record label, LFA’s releases parallels their work in the community.  They release conscientious urban music that fuses Colombia’s rich musical heritage and addresses issues relating to race and the community.

Bogota has an overwhelmingly white demographic. One doesn’t feel the racial tension at first because there just arent that many people of color in sight.  The Afro-communities of Colombia are mostly relegated to the coast which has a lot to do with why the music is so good out there. I asked almost every cabbie, music store clerk and local that I had an exchange with where I could find cumbia or afro-colombian music in bogota and the overall consensus was that Bogota just isn’t feeling either. There is no radio station dedicated to cumbia. Kids listen to pop. They listen to Rock and Reggaeton. They listen to salsa and vallenato… but all that old time music, cumbia, bullerengue…. its all dead in Bogota. Ayara’s die-hard quest to keep those traditions alive by infusing them with modern technologies and working out there in rural Colombia to both volunteer and document and shine a light on the racial divide in Colombia.


After touring the facility we go to dinner with Choco, Diana and Chris who are all rapid-fire in answering my questions about the underground in Colombia. I hear about Voodoo Souljahs, Profetas and Midras Queen who works at the clothing store and is about to release her album, which was currently being mastered. (I got an early copy and standout choon is a latin dancehall number called Irreverente). I hear about several hip-hop and dub influenced acts but I’m trying to get in deeper. They offer up Mojarra Electrica y Bomba Estereo. Great stuff but rated PG in my book. I’m looking for a big wobbly monster that lives in a cave.

Throughout dinner I keep hearing the name Reeechard, the sound engineer that masters most of the labels music, helps them record and produces some great music. Their regard for him sits somewhere between generous man and patron saint. Richard Blair, better known as Sidestepper has lived in Colombia over a decade and I am witnessing the impact he has had on a generation of young Colombian musicians.

It wasn’t enough to make new Colombian music which resonated with these kids. It’s the fact that he works directly with them on their projects and contributes his time, skills and craft. The interview I had hoped to sit down with him for was conducted via email because I done up my phone creds and called a little late and missed my window. He was up early and had studio time reserved for 1pm. Man a Badman in my book. ( catch that interview here next week. )

Of all the local musicians I learn about the most chatted up and promising act on roads from Bogota is ChoqQuibTown. Choco tells me that historically, the Atlantic coast has always received a lot more attention for its musical contributions and what is innovative about CQT’s sound is that they are infusing the often overlooked Pacific Coast sounds like currulao and bunde and instruments, like the marimba with hip hop and dancehall synthetics . Some of you may have caught them rocking SXSW a few weeks ago and left there with a crush on MC/songstress Goyo. Their brand new album “Oro” drops this month. Their tune San Antonio is sittin pretty at 140 and ripe for the wobbly remix.

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkTFHAED-rE&feature=related[/youtube] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reB4YLs-49U[/youtube]

My hope, as I’m sure yours would be too was to find something beneath all the layers of boom-bap I knew I’d have to sift through. I’m asking Lil Chris and Choco where the Bogota bassheads at? I learn that Bogota isn’t really the hot spot for new music in Colombia. It has had a thriving Dub/Jungle scene for years but if you want the club banging hotness you need to go to the coast….. and beyond.

Lil Chris played me some crazy shit from Dj Buxxi off the ipod. There are two islands off the coast of Colombia, San Andres y Providencia and out there you can find a scene fusing dancehall, zouk and hip hop. Nearly all the MC’s I heard from out there toggle between spanish ragga, caribbean patois and creole. This tune was one of the many gems I picked up from my trip.


DJ Buxxi seems to be at the forefront of this sound producing for nearly all the big MC’s on the island which sits between Jamaica, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia. If our up on Los Rakas you’d be into most of the stuff he’s collaborated on. He comes down and records in Bogota about once a month to record with La Familia Ayara and is making a name for himself and his San Andres cohorts SA Finest, Hety y Zambo (zambo = sambo).

“its like the San Andres Ricky Blaze” – Uproot Andy

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpmZoq4aK00[/youtube] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkZmc85aSwQ[/youtube]

The rain came down aguacero style over the course of our dinner conversation. We called it a night jumped in a mini-cooper sized cab and head back to the telly. I spent the next couple days checking out landmarks and spending time with Pop Dukes and Mrs Jones.

The museum of gold makes you want to believe in El Dorado.



The Salt Cathedral which is still an active salt mine was an impressive human feat. They’ve gutted x amount of metric tons of salt out of a mountain for centuries and have left 14 cathedrals in the excavated caverns adorned with insane sculptures and collosal crosses.



We railed up to cloud level and took  a couple shots of something akin to mamajuana from the Dominican Republic to ease the effects of gravity. The view from here is amazing. Bogota refuses to be condensed into the lens of a panoramic camara.


Ms Jones @ Monserrate
Mrs Jones on Higha Heights.

I get off my cloud and realized I haven’t acquired anywhere near enough music so Tuesday becomes my day for diggin. The pirate industry here is thorough. I enter San Victorino’s bootleg emporium. Roughly 40 booths all slangin MP3 CD’s and DVD’s. Next door a similar market full of just cellphone venders.

The Pirates Bay
The Pirates Bay

There is a strange but orderly fashion to how the shopping districts are arranged. Four blocks straight of nothing but optical stores along Carrera 13 at Calle 7. Further down el expresso to meet DJ Blanko, I notice a few blocks of lechonera’s, Bogota’s roast pork district.  There’s no time for food tho. I just missed a book release party about female MC’s in colombia because I’m hungry for more music.

If your looking for rare colombian records. This is your dude to call.
If your looking for rare colombian vinyl... holla at my dude DJ Blanko.

I met DJ Blanko at his brand new shop which had just opened 23 days earlier. He tells me he’s one of the few tornamesistas (turntablists) in Bogota. Not alot of kids can afford turntables but alot of them want to learn so he hosts workshops there for kids and teaches junior deejays the ways of the samurai wiki-wki. He lets me look through the shop and I pick up a couple titles. He tells me he doesn’t want my money. I trade him a couple mixtapes. Blanko and his turntablist friends have been to almost every major city flea market and knook and crannie and are great diggers. For you hardcore vinyl heads write him in advance and he keeps a list of stuff he digs for out of towners.

I scour malls, and shopping districts for deep afro-colombian jams. I find Etelvina Martinez, Maria la Carmen, Peregoyo and Gualajo. AMAZINGGG stuff. If your into the Afro-colombian sound of the pacific coast be sure to go down for the Petronio Alvarez Festival.

At the hotel, I listen to the new digs and seriously contemplate extending my trip to go to the coast.

Email from Jean:

u have a gig on the last day u r in bogota in case u wanna play on the 15th
call them if u want

My week could not get any better. With the exception of La Cumbiamba Eneye, an ensemble that plays traditional folkloric music from Colombia that I often DJ with, I run the only afro-colombian remix party in New York city longside my partners Uproot Andy and Jean Bernabe.  Now I get my chance to play our stuff in Bogota. I suss out Club Penthouse and its a new and happening spot in town. Wednesday night everyone said the place to be was Quiebra Canto but that was also the night of my gig. La vida es asi.

I got there early and found that I’d be using CDJ’s for the evening via serato. Not my fave but it ain’t gon’ make a difference once I’m on.  I notice the kids at the club are wearing the same bright yellow jeans and teal t-shirts one would see in Williamsburg and I decide I can pretty much play and wear whatever I want.

When I come back to the club, the resident DJ is playing warmers. Orishas, Amparanoia, some latin dancehall cuts. He picks up the decibles for MIA’s Bamboo Banga and Crookers version of Day n’ Night. I’m feeling in my element and plotting my set when some next guy jumps on dex and yanks the steering wheel hard right and slams us into 90’s drum and bass for 20 minutes. I go downstairs to the salsa floor to get my head right. (I can still name the first three tunes dude played so any hardcore junglists tryna say Geko Jones is h8tin on D&B hold your heads, or come clash Dutty Artz and see how you make out)…

The promoter tells me there is a band that is going on before me which is perfect cuz I have to get my box in. I think if they played 8 songs four of them where Madonna covers. I’m not too into the kitsch thing but the crowd is eating this up. The sound guy tells me this is their last song. I come in with a dub plate… from the stage the promoter is waving like an air traffic controller. FALSE ALARM. I wheel and the band does one more …..


Bogota loves the cheeze factor but I gotta give it to the band they kept the crowd moving.

Finally….. its game time.

Hard and heavy tropical bass and digital cumbia hits Bogota.






