Matt Shadetek The Empire Never Ended

My album The Empire Never Ended is finally out. The weight of waiting has lifted!  Waiting to release things drives me crazy so I am super super happy to be able to finally share this music with you.  I put a ton of time and effort into this record and I feel like it’s some of the better stuff I’ve done, sonically, song writing wise and in the way it all fits together.  I’d love to hear your thoughts on it.

If you’re inclined to buy it I ask that you do so through the Dutty Artz bandcamp page.  We get the biggest cut of the money there and you can also get higher quality audio files if you’re a DJ or you just like things that sound good.  You can also mail order the CD from there or through the Dutty Artz web store.  We’ll be sure to put some extra goodies in the mail for those of you choose that option.  It is of course available at all your other favorite music outlets too.

If you think it’s a cool record and/or generally support what Dutty Artz does we would love it if you could tell a friend using the like, tweet or g+ buttons at the bottom of this post.

To hear a new track from the record you can head over to Stereogum today to stream, “Bout It Girl” the track that I did with Riff Raff exclusively.  It’s the first time I’ve released a track with my own vocals on it, another big milestone for me.

Tomorrow (3.27.13) I’ll be doing a live set with my new performance setup on the Duttycast at 7PM and chatting a bit so stop in if you are online.



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