My album The Empire Never Ended is finally out. The weight of waiting has lifted! Â Waiting to release things drives me crazy so I am super super happy to be able to finally share this music with you. Â I put a ton of time and effort into this record and I feel like it’s some of the better stuff I’ve done, sonically, song writing wise and in the way it all fits together. Â I’d love to hear your thoughts on it.
If you’re inclined to buy it I ask that you do so through the Dutty Artz bandcamp page. Â We get the biggest cut of the money there and you can also get higher quality audio files if you’re a DJ or you just like things that sound good. Â You can also mail order the CD from there or through the Dutty Artz web store. Â We’ll be sure to put some extra goodies in the mail for those of you choose that option. Â It is of course available at all your other favorite music outlets too.
If you think it’s a cool record and/or generally support what Dutty Artz does we would love it if you could tell a friend using the like, tweet or g+ buttons at the bottom of this post.
To hear a new track from the record you can head over to Stereogum today to stream, “Bout It Girl” the track that I did with Riff Raff exclusively. Â It’s the first time I’ve released a track with my own vocals on it, another big milestone for me.
Tomorrow (3.27.13) I’ll be doing a live set with my new performance setup on the Duttycast at 7PM and chatting a bit so stop in if you are online.
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