My exclusive set for The Fader’s mixtape series dropped yesterday, a “A blazing mix of reggaetón, dembow, and rap en español from the Brooklyn-based DJ and producer.”
My exclusive set for The Fader’s mixtape series dropped yesterday, a “A blazing mix of reggaetón, dembow, and rap en español from the Brooklyn-based DJ and producer.”
Hi Duttylandia, I’m on the road again! — from Brazil to Germany via England. I came out here to play the debut show of the Kondi Band, my new collaborative album with Dutty Artz alum Sorie Kondi. (more…)
The Asian American Writer’s Workshop Open City Fellowship “fosters Asian American writers covering inequality in low-income Asian immigrant neighborhoods in New York City.” Who better for that job than our beloved Thanu aka DJ Ushka? (more…)
Friday March 18th, Atropolis and Riobamba will be playing at Hotel Vegas Annex at SXSW thanks to the Peligrosa. Atropolis live set is at 10pm on the outdoor stage and Riobamba set is at 11:30 PM Â on the indoor stage.
Back in November 2015, Chief Boima (in his role as Africa is a Country’s managing editor) curated three panels at the Pan African Space Station‘s library-of-people installation at the Performa 15 Hub in New York City. AIAC invited Dutty Artz’ DJ Ushka, York College Professor and writer Rishi Nath, and AIAC’s photo editor Zachary Rosen to host three podcasts on behalf of Africa is a Country.
In my capacity both as Dj Ripley and as Dr. Larisa Kingston Mann, I’m speaking at Fordham Law School next week, sponsored by the McGannon Center for Communication Research (where I’m a Fellow), and the Urban Law Center. (more…)
My mixtape for the Mixpak FM series is here, featured today as Resident Advisor’s Mix of the Day.
For me this mix dove into “channeling rage for, remembrance of, love toward victims of police brutality & state-sanctioned violence, in the U.S. y destructive legacies this country has left & continues to leave elsewhere– ya basta, ya basta, ya basta. A las vÃctimas– nunca serán olvidados.”
Our designer extraordinaire, Talacha, is back with his second DJ mix! (more…)
This Friday Dutty Artz is kicking off 2016 with a showcase during the annual APAP festival in New York. (more…)
Our in house Dubspot employed Ableton instructor, Atropolis, has just put together a three part tutorial showcasing the ins and outs of his live performance set using Ableton Live. (more…)
Saturday Dec 12 – Que Bajo says goodbye to 2015 and marks their 7th anniversary at The Wick Music Fortress in Brooklyn with Uproot Andy, Geko Jones, Chief Boima and El Canyonazo.
The party will be hosted by Butch Diva and Afro Mosaic Soul.
Super excited to share my track “Bin Danza” with sound artist and KUNQ member False Witness, which premiered last week on Thump Colombia.
No bones about it, resurrecting the dead is black magic. It is something to be approached with caution and reverence and something that takes a lot of energy to conjure. (more…)
Todo en español este vez, porque si no entiendes tendrás que google.translate de qualquier manera. Reggae Fi Peach estrenó al sitio de Vice Colombia ayer. (more…)